Florida League of Cities

This annual award is named in memory of Florida Supreme Court Justice E. Harris Drew who authored the motto, “Local Self-Government: Keystone of American Democracy.”

The League is currently accepting nomination for the 2024 E. Harris Drew Municipal Official Lifetime Achievement Award! 

If your city has an elected official who has performed in an outstanding manner and has made an unusual and lasting contribution to the improvement of municipal government and your city wishes to nominate him/her for this award, please complete a nomination form signed by two elected officials from the Nominee's city and return it to the League by June 21, 2024. Download Nomination Form

All elected municipal officials are eligible for this award, which is presented during the League’s annual conference. View Past Winners │ View Award History

History of the E. Harris Drew Municipal Official Lifetime Achievement Award

E. Harris Drew was active in the Florida League of Municipalities, now the Florida League of Cities, in the 1940s and early 1950s. When he was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1952, he was serving as the First Vice President of the League. In 1923, soon after he was admitted to the Florida Bar, he was named Town Attorney for the Town of Palm Beach and quickly became active in the affairs of the League.

He expressed a continuing interest in local government throughout his career, which was highlighted by his service as Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court. Justice Drew died in 1975 of complications resulting from accidental injuries received while assisting a stranded motorist.

This prestigious award was established by official action of the Board of Directors of the Florida League of Cities in 1978 and has been awarded annually to the outstanding city official who has been selected as the Municipal Official of the Year.

In 2003, the E. Harris Drew Award was changed, by official action of the Board of Directors, to recognize a municipal official annually for “lifetime achievement.” 

For additional information, contact Michaela Metcalfe at mmetcalfe@flcities.com